A year in review: highlights of Dreamdata’s product development
How to set up a B2B go-to-market funnel that better aligns Sales and Marketing
10 practical ways to align B2B Sales and Marketing teams
4 questions you need to answer to build a revenue-focused Content Strategy
Nail your 2023 B2B Marketing Budget with these 3 metrics
How to nail your LinkedIn matched audience with Dreamdata
The B2B marketer’s guide for reducing Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) wisely
Get the most out of your Capterra ads with B2B attribution
How to fix high Direct Traffic in your CRM with Revenue Attribution
In this post, we take a look at what’s behind the high direct traffic phenomenon in CRMs and how B2Bs can solve it through Revenue Attribution.
How to connect your B2B ad spend to revenue using HubSpot forms and Dreamdata
In this post, HubSpot’s Brandon Sanders walks through 3 reasons why you should use Dreamdata’s revenue attribution platform to make the most of HubSpot’s native reporting. And show you how to connect your B2B ad spend to revenue using HubSpot forms and Dreamdata.
How to track and measure your podcasting activities: the 2021 podcast attribution recipe
Even in the world of B2B, podcasts are making a splash. But as more companies ride the wave, the question of podcast attribution becomes more relevant than ever.The good news is that it’s possible, and in this post we’re going to show you the ropes.
Social selling: how we started and what we’ve learned
What is multi-channel attribution and why should B2Bs care?
Multi-channel attribution is the process of attributing credit to channels based on the customer’s touches and where they happen in the buying cycle. A process which helps B2Bs better understand their acquisition, the impact of channels on funnel, and their channel ROI.
The (technical) recipe for measuring ROI of B2B content
Content marketing is on most marketers’ agenda these days. Yet proving content’s actual value presents a difficult challenge to many. This results in content being under optimised, undervalued, done for vanity, or based on gut feeling.
By connecting content with revenue and pipeline generated, B2B revenue attribution can make the content ROI challenge a thing of the past.
Podcast 🎧: ABM Conversations
New Feature: Google Search Ads, Display Ads and Youtube Ads reporting now split in 3 for optimised performance analytics
Dreamdata users will now have separate Google Search, Google Display and Youtube Ads dashboards, each with a number of new and updated reports including Keyword, Bid Goals, Audience and Geo performance reports. With this new setup, Dreamdata users are now better able to break down their Google Ads efforts and track all the relevant metrics per channel to see exactly how and why campaigns are working or not.
Podcast 🎧: Revenue Attribution Matters
Using Google's Click ID (GCLID) for B2B attribution to grow sales pipeline and revenue
A B2B revenue attribution solution like Dreamdata helps marketers get the best out of GCLID enabling you to grow sales pipeline and revenue. You're finally able to break away from Google Ads limitations by tracking beyond 90 days, tracking accounts and not users, and incorporating all your other activities.
Revenue Operations: the new Ops on the block? A conversation with Jeff Ignacio
Finding the original source: from single-touch to multi-touch attribution
Too many B2B companies rely on their CRM system’s “original source” field to attribute towards the lead’s first touch. Yet this paints only a fragment of the overall picture.