Build audiences that matter. Instantly.

Dreamdata Audience Hub offers the easiest way to create the most relevant audiences from your go-to-market data anywhere. Which can then be synced directly to LinkedIn and Google Ads at the click of a button.

Dreamdata Audience Hub - Build audiences that matter. Instantly. | Product Hunt

Own the data, own the audience, own success.

Audience Hub shifts responsibility from data engineers to empower everyone on the revenue team to easily activate their customer data.

Build any audience in minutes.

Put an end to scrappy lists and spreadsheets. Create precise audiences of contacts and companies based on activities performed, stages reached, or properties sourced from your CRM without a line of SQL.

Relevant audiences for the whole revenue team.

Work with your end-to-end B2B customer data to build accurate first-party audiences for the whole team. Action every signal with retargeting campaigns and relevant Sales outreach.

Sync your audiences directly with just a click.

No more endless uploads and manual entries. Activate your custom audiences instantly by automatically sending them daily to Google and LinkedIn Ads with Audience Sync.

Need inspiration for your first audience? Check out the 11 most relevant audiences for B2B revenue teams.


Signal-based GTM starts with the audience hub

Dreamdata's intent data tracking aggregates buying signals on all customer segments, so you can put your resources towards your most active audience.

Targeting audiences with first-party data

Audience Hub ensures that you can build highly accurate targeting audiences with data you own. Focus on the most relevant segments without relying on third-party data.

You’re just one click away from your most valuable customers

Build layered segments with AND/OR conditions for unlimited flexibility.

Multiple Events

Add an unlimited number of events performed: form submisions, page visits, engagement.

Intent Data

Leverage Dreamdata's intent data to target only in-market accounts.

Pipeline Stage

Focus only on companies that have reached a pipeline stage.


Target subsegments of your ICP with tailored campaigns.


Exclude existing or churned customers from your audience.

Custom Properties

Include any custom properties from your CRM, e.g. subscription plan or ABM target list.

Try for yourself

Audience Hub powered by end-to-end B2B customer data

Start building your audiences from the get go.

  1. Sign up to Dreamdata.

  2. Connect your tracking.

  3. Build your audience.