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Paid Marketing Recipes

Google Ads

Know which Google Ads campaigns to scrap with Dreamdata with this recipe

Dreamdata CMO, Steffen Hedebrandt, shows how to find the value of B2B Google Ads with Dreamdata. Learn here 

By splitting your Google Search Ads campaigns you can identify where efficiencies can be made.
Learn here 

Find out how to use Google Paid Search data for SEO in this video with Dreamdata CMO, Steffen Hedebrandt. Learn how 

In this video, you'll learn about a simple but highly valuable feature for those running Google search ads. Learn how

Identify which campaigns and keywords to scale in order to optimise your Google Search Ads. Learn how

Linkedin Ads

Laura Erdem showcases how Dreamdata can be used to prove LinkedIn Ads mid-funnel performance.
Learn here 

Sander Luckow, Account Executive at Dreamdata explains how to use LinkedIn Offline Conversions with Dreamdata. Learn how

Layer your ideal customer profile on top of G2 intent data to maximize ad spend when running ads on LinkedIn. Learn how →


Learn how to use the Audience hub to create the most relevant audiences which can then be synced directly to LinkedIn Ads at the click of a button

Find out how you can use Dreamdata's LinkedIn Engagement report. Learn now


Steffen Hedebrandt, CMO at Dreamdata, is introducing his workflow for keeping track for paid ads on Dreamdata’s platform. Learn how 

Compare spend across your ad channels to scale those driving pipeline and revenue. Learn how

Unlock the secret to boosting MQL to SQL conversion rates on a high ad budget. Learn how→

Discover how much of last year’s revenue and pipeline came from marketing sources. Learn how →

Capterra ad spend is a good way to detect early conversions, but does it bring you closer to qualified leads and sales pipeline? See this recipe

Learn how to use Dreamdata’s ROI report to compare marketing impact across your digital and offline channels.

Capture offline conversions with end-to-end customer journey data tracking and connect it to your Reverse ETL. Learn how →

Get a rundown of Dreamdata’s CRM property filters, learn how to set them up and use them to build powerful reports. Learn how→

Learn how to use Dreamdata’s free account to measure G2’s influence on your pipeline. Learn more 

Learn how to use Dreamdata’s paid plans to prove and scale G2’s impact on your pipeline. Learn more 

Content Marketing Recipes

Want to learn top Dreamdata use cases for using content to drive revenue and pipeline? Learn how

Identify which activities work best and see what can be repeated in the future. Learn how

Discover the true value of your email marketing activities using this recipe

Identify your most influential content using Dreamdata’s content analytics. Learn how

Find out how to use Google Paid Search data for SEO in this video with Dreamdata CMO, Steffen Hedebrandt. Learn how 

Sales Recipes

Dreamdata CMO, Steffen Hedebrandt shows how to use the new Dreamdata’s reveal feature. Learn here 

Find out how to use pricing page data, within Dreamdata’s Reveal, to identify buying intent. Learn how

In this video, you'll See whether your closed lost deals are still active and signalling intent, Learn how

Find out which accounts in your pipeline are active. Learn how 

G2 intent data is invaluable to the B2B go-to-market team, and Dreamdata enables you to unlock its power see this recipe

Automate your outbound messaging using Dreamdata data and Reverse ETL back to your tools. Learn how 

Better time and personalize your outreach using this recipe

Customer Journeys Recipes

Analyze every journey of every account Learn how

Identify who is involved in your customer journeys and when. Learn how

Better time and personalize your outreach using this recipe

Discover which path your customer takes from the very first interaction till the deal is closed. Learn how →

Marketing Operations Recipes

Dreamdata CMO, Steffen Hedebrandt assesses what the best attribution model is for B2B marketers. Learn how

Find out how to measure the length of your buying cycle in this recipe

Learn how to report on your marketing spend whether you're managing a standalone company or a multi-subsidiary business

Data Recipes

Find out how to create a custom revenue attribution report with your Dreamdata export.

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Introduction to Dreamdata →

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