Pipedrive now available on TEAM plan (& new features)

We’re excited to announce that Pipedrive is now available to all TEAM users! 🎉

Connect Pipedrive to Dreamdata and we’ll extract and clean all of your customer account data, so you can:

  • See revenue attributed to account-based journeys across both digital and offline channels

  • Identify high-intent accounts so you can effortlessly prioritise your Sales outreach (Reveal feature)

  • Discover how sustainable your business is using the customer acquisition (CAC) report

  • Use performance metrics to help you create a highly targeted ABM campaign

And much more!

Plus, we've released three new updates for Pipedrive users, to enhance your reporting even further:

Total Self-Service

Say goodbye to the days of waiting for your Dreamdata CSM to tweak your Pipedrive stage models for you. Now, you can dive in and personalise stages to your preference directly in the product, with no middleman required.

✅ Available to: Team, Business & Enterprise

Timestamps from Dealflow

What's more, we've unlocked the capability for you to filter deals based on their stage or status history. This means you can select the timestamp of a deal moving to a specific state.

✅ Available to: Team, Business & Enterprise

CRM Property Filters

Effortlessly pull in CRM properties from Pipedrive and craft reports tailored to your exact needs. Whether it’s subscription plans, sales regions, or churn status you can now filter with all your unique properties from Pipedrive.

✅ Available to: Business & Enterprise

Let's turn 'Pipe'dreams into 'Pipe'realities with every filter!

Pipedrive is a sales-first CRM and intelligent revenue platform supporting the growth of small businesses with easy-to-use and effective tools. Learn more at www.pipedrive.com.


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