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Multi touch attribution

Multi-touch attribution is a marketing and analytics concept that evaluates the impact of various touchpoints in a customer's journey. It assigns credit to multiple interactions, enabling marketers to understand the effectiveness of their campaigns and optimize strategies for better results. It considers the complexity of customer journeys and avoids simplistic single-touch approaches.

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What’s Multi Touch Attribution?

Multi-touch attribution is a marketing methodology that analyzes the impact of multiple touchpoints on customer behavior. It recognizes that customer decisions are influenced by various interactions across different channels and devices. 

Unlike single-touch attribution, which credits only one touchpoint, multi-touch attribution assigns credit proportionally to all relevant touchpoints along the customer journey.

It helps marketers understand the effectiveness of different marketing channels, optimize budgets, and make data-driven decisions.


  • Multi-channel attribution

  • Cross-channel attribution

  • Omni-channel attribution

Why Dreamdata for Multi Touch Attribution?

Dreamdata is a leading solution for multi-touch attribution, offering unique benefits for B2B businesses. Here's why Dreamdata stands out:

  1. Complete B2B Customer Journeys: Dreamdata provides unparalleled insights into every touchpoint of the customer journey, starting from anonymous visitors to paying customers. This comprehensive view allows businesses to understand the entire conversion process and optimize their marketing efforts accordingly.

  2. Critical Multi-touch Attribution Insights: With Dreamdata, businesses can uncover valuable insights about the revenue-generating performance of activities across their pipeline, channels, and campaigns. This helps marketers understand the effectiveness of each touchpoint and make data-driven decisions to drive better results.

  3. Aggressive Building and Scaling of Strategies: Dreamdata enables marketers to dive deep into every aspect of their channels, campaigns, and experiments. This level of analysis empowers businesses to identify what works best and rapidly drive up their return on investment (ROI). It allows for agile optimization and scaling of successful strategies.

Report on marketing’s impact and uncover how all of your paid channels are connected to revenue with Dreamdata’s performance attribution feature.

How does it work?

Dreamdata works by following a few key steps:

  1. Track, Identify, and Store Website Visitors: Dreamdata's tracking script captures and identifies users visiting your website. It collects data on these anonymous visitors and transforms them into enriched user and customer profiles. This step is crucial for multi-touch, multi-stakeholder attribution, as it forms the foundation for understanding the customer journey.

  2. Collect and Integrate All Commercial Touches: Dreamdata ensures that all commercial interactions across various tools and platforms are captured and stored in one centralized location. It seamlessly integrates with numerous commercial tools and traffic sources, allowing your teams to utilize the best-in-class solutions without being limited to specific vendors or suites.

  3. Take Control of Revenue Generation: Dreamdata empowers businesses with advanced algorithms and analytics capabilities to analyze and optimize every aspect of revenue-generating activities. This enables you to answer vital B2B marketing and sales questions such as ROI assessment, identifying campaigns and channels to scale or halt, calculating the lifetime value (LTV) of ads, and determining the customer acquisition timeline.

What are the Multi Touch Attribution models?

Dreamdata offers a range of multi-touch attribution models to analyze revenue-generating activities. Here are the 10 models available out-of-the-box:

  1. First Touch: This model attributes all credit for a conversion to the first touchpoint in the customer journey. It focuses on identifying the initial interaction that drives awareness and interest.

  2. Linear: The linear model distributes credit equally across all touchpoints in the customer journey. It gives equal weight to each interaction, providing a balanced view of the overall impact of all touchpoints.

  3. Last Touch: In the last touch model, all credit for a conversion is assigned to the final touchpoint before the conversion. It emphasizes the last interaction as the most influential in the customer's decision-making process.

  4. U-Shaped: Also known as position-based attribution, the U-shaped model allocates a higher percentage of credit to both the first and last touchpoints. The remaining credit is distributed among the touchpoints in between, recognizing the significance of the beginning and end of the customer journey.

  5. W-Shaped: The W-shaped model assigns credit to three key touchpoints: the first touch, the lead creation touch, and the opportunity creation touch. It considers the early, middle, and later stages of the customer journey, providing a more detailed attribution analysis.

  6. Linear Non-Direct: This model is similar to the linear model but excludes direct traffic from the attribution. It focuses on analyzing the impact of non-direct channels in the customer journey.

  7. First Touch Non-Direct: The first touch non-direct model attributes credit to the first non-direct touchpoint in the customer journey. It highlights the initial interaction from non-direct channels that drives customer engagement.

  8. Last Touch Non-Direct: In the last touch non-direct model, credit is given to the final non-direct touchpoint before the conversion. It identifies the last interaction from non-direct channels that influences the customer's decision.

  9. U-Shaped Non-Direct: The U-shaped non-direct model follows the same principles as the U-shaped model but focuses on non-direct touchpoints. It emphasizes the significance of non-direct channels at the beginning and end of the customer journey.

  10. W-Shaped Non-Direct: Similar to the W-shaped model, the W-shaped non-direct model attributes credit to three key non-direct touchpoints. It recognizes the impact of non-direct channels at different stages of the customer journey.


Q: What makes B2B multi-touch attribution different from B2C? 

A: B2B multi-touch attribution considers the complex nature of B2B sales cycles, involving multiple decision-makers, longer sales cycles, and a variety of touchpoints across different stages of the customer journey. It focuses on understanding the specific interactions that drive conversions and revenue in a B2B context.

Q: Why is multi-touch attribution important for B2B businesses? 

A: Multi-touch attribution is crucial for B2B businesses as it helps them understand the effectiveness of their marketing and sales efforts throughout the complex B2B customer journey. It enables them to allocate resources more effectively, identify high-performing touchpoints, optimize lead generation and nurturing strategies, and improve overall revenue generation.

Q: Can multi-touch attribution help with lead generation and pipeline management in B2B? 

A: Yes, multi-touch attribution provides valuable insights into lead generation and pipeline management for B2B businesses. By analyzing touchpoints throughout the customer journey, businesses can identify the most effective channels, campaigns, and interactions that contribute to lead generation and move prospects through the sales pipeline.

Q: How does multi-touch attribution help in aligning marketing and sales teams in B2B? 

A: Multi-touch attribution aligns marketing and sales teams by providing visibility into the impact of marketing efforts on revenue generation. It helps identify which marketing touchpoints are most influential in driving conversions and enables collaboration between the two teams to optimize strategies, improve lead quality, and increase conversion rates.

Q: Can multi-touch attribution assist in determining the ROI of marketing and advertising campaigns in B2B? 

A: Absolutely. Multi-touch attribution allows B2B businesses to calculate the ROI of their marketing and advertising campaigns accurately. By attributing revenue to specific touchpoints, businesses can determine the impact of each campaign, channel, or tactic on revenue generation, enabling them to allocate resources more effectively and optimize their marketing spend.

Q: What challenges are associated with implementing multi-touch attribution in the B2B space? 

A: Implementing multi-touch attribution in the B2B space can present challenges such as accurately tracking and attributing offline touchpoints, dealing with complex buying journeys involving multiple decision-makers, integrating data from various systems and platforms, and aligning attribution models with unique B2B sales cycles. However, specialized B2B attribution solutions can help overcome these challenges.

Q: How can B2B businesses leverage multi-touch attribution for account-based marketing (ABM)? 

A: Multi-touch attribution plays a vital role in ABM by providing insights into the effectiveness of marketing activities at the account level. It helps identify the touchpoints that contribute to engagement, conversion, and revenue generation for target accounts, allowing businesses to optimize their ABM strategies and personalize their marketing efforts.

Q: Can multi-touch attribution help in optimizing marketing budgets for B2B businesses? 

A: Yes, multi-touch attribution is instrumental in optimizing marketing budgets for B2B businesses. By understanding which touchpoints have the greatest impact on revenue generation, businesses can allocate their marketing budgets more effectively, invest in the most successful campaigns and channels, and eliminate or scale back underperforming initiatives.